
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Binweevils Cheats for Mulch

Mulch is the 2nd money after dosh coins that needed every weevily to buy a variety cool stuff or items around the Bin Shops. Need some technique you should know called binweevils cheats for mulch that you can do easily even if you are not a Bin Tycoon but if already, I'm sure could collect extra mulch more and faster.

I've been playing this game for about 3 years and a lot of tips are highly recommended by my weevily friends who have reached level 65. Just follow some binweevils cheats below:

- New register (tycoon or non) just go to Dosh Palace to get free reward 2000 Mulch
- Play Daily Brain Strain inside Lab's Lab

Binweevils Daily Brain Strain inside Lab's Lab

- Be a winner in various binweevils race games at Dirt Valley

- Completed any crossword and wordsearch games inside Flem Manor is best way to get quick a lot of mulch for free and easily using my answers cheats.
- Redeem rewards in Mystery Code Machine by using binweevils codes
- Learn my tips about binweevils dosh codes
- Usually there are some the promotion events from official binweevil's blog for HUNT something around bin area. So completed each hunt there.
- Sell unwanted items on Binweevils Gongs Pipenest ->Haggle Hut

Haggle Hut Sell Unwanted Items on Binweevils

- Go to your garden then plant many Midnight Blue Tulip. It will give weevily 310 Mulch & 10 XP for each seed and grown in 6 hours. Minimum binweevils level 5.

Binweevils Midnight Blue Tulip Seed

Binweevils Midnight Blue Tulip Harvest

 - Visit Dosh Palace then grab daily mulch on the floor thrown by Dosh

Binweevils Doshs Palace's Money

- I have best tricks for Bin Tycoon only min. level 6 is on your garden plant as many as you can the Giant Beanstalk seeds because each seed will give you 800 Mulch & 30 XP - harvest for 3 days.

Binweevils Garden Giant Beanstalk Seeds Harvest

All above are the real 11 binweevils cheats I think you should try in order to achieve Fast Level Up. If you have another idea or experience.. just let me know. thanks