
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Binweevils Codes

Collect rewards in forms Mulch, XP (experience) and Nest Items can do with free way by using binweevils codes even if you are not a Bin Tycoon. You can follow my guide to find a secret place at Lab's Lab called Mystery Code Machine.

This solution if you have a little money but want to decorate binweevils nest by free. You can use this machine for input codes got from weekend puzzle challenge, top trumps cards and other promo from binweevils magazine to claim any mystery rewards.

First Open your MAP, visit LAB'S LAB like image below

Binweevils Codes

Alright, here weevily enter to MYSTERY CODE MACHINE

Binweevils Codes

This time to redeem!! Next step just enter your secret codes and click on submit. Remember each code can only be used once, if you try again it will display the message that it's not valid again.

Binweevils Codes

an example it's works I got rewards

Binweevils Codes

Binweevils Codes -> Mystery Code Machine:

SECRET8 – Nest Item
BAFTA543 – Nest Item
BAFTA879 – Nest Item
BAFTA4BW2011 – Nest Item
FORTUNE219 – Nest Item
TOILET2849 – Nest Item
7206696115137 – Nest Item
72096115137160 – Nest Item
C6247OUTWIT – Nest Item
WW100THANKYOU – Nest Item
TOXIC711 – Nest Item
GOGIRL711 – Nest Item
BUNTY – Nest Item
GREENEYE11 – Nest Item
REDEYE10 – Nest Item
MYSTERY3 – Nest Item
POSHCUPCAKE6 – Nest Item/10 XP
HALL13 – Nest Item|100 Mulch|13 XP
36PUMPKIN18 – Nest Item/200 Mulch
29PINK6 – Nest Item/200 Mulch
CLOTT11106 – Nest Item/200 Mulch
DANGERALERT454 – Nest Item/200 Mulch
63 – 1000 Mulch
685 – 1000 Mulch
MULCHMAG1120 – 1000 Mulch
SWSP4KJL47AF – 1000 Mulch
3RED6SCRIBBLES – 500 Mulch
500SNOWFLAKE1200 – 200 Mulch/20 XP
102BONBON662 – 200 Mulch/20 XP
LAB229MULCH3 – 200 XP

Do you have other binweevils codes ?? let's tell! your friends will be glad and appreciate you, so do I.


  1. wow i have done lots of them

    1. of course above binweevils codes help you

    2. yourcodes i love them i got a accont for you ok.username:name

  2. by the way my name is not called dariush ramzey i made that real name is called jamie

  3. If you're looking for Bin Weevils codes, please visit the Codes by Codex page on Weevily World, which features all current Bin Weevils codes for nest items. Mulch and XP.

  4. SOME ARE expired so i dont no what to do

  5. i know there all redeemd!!!!! as well!

  6. I have more codes which I will show you right now!
    gift9- welcome sign
    faw275l9z3p4- binpet wallpaper
    3orange14- blue sweet jar/50 mulch
    325645- inks magnifying glass statue nest item (for your shelf)
    imagine2012bw- SWS poster
    16sticker1026- Scribbles wall sticker
    lucky2012green- Saint Patricks day poster
    9blue10flag15kip- binweevils mag issue 2
    300tink2pet4key- dosh jack-in-a-box nest item

    and lastly 63 for 1 thousand mulch!
    I hope you liked all these codes!

  7. do any off you know how to get the bouncy castle nest item ?
